Secrets of Making Your Sales Letter Amazing

If you think that email marketing is a matter of the past, then you are wrong. A well-written sales letter can be extremely efficient. No postcards and brochures can compete with a sales letter written thoughtfully and carefully. Those who don’t believe in the power of this medium have never tried to compose a really great one. In this article, we will discuss easy ways to write a winning letter to promote your services and products.
The headline is the first thing your reader sees
You need to grab readers’ attention right from the first sentence, which is your heading. Your heading should be appealing and provoking to read more. How to do that? Make sure that a headline includes one crucial thing: a promise to solve your customer’s problem or fulfill his/her wish. For instance, when you offer cosmetics for problem-prone skin, there is no sense in writing “Need Creams for Problem-Prone Skin?” in your headline. It is much better to write something like, “Your Skin Will Shine with Beauty and Health – We Have Some Special Creams for You!”
When coming up with a headline, write down a couple of ideas, and then choose the best. The headline should appear before greetings in your letter.
What do you have to offer?
Get straight to the point. You need to inform the customer about your offers. Not only you need to tell them that you sell this or that item, but you need to make them want to buy it. To do so, think about the benefits your potential customer will get after purchasing it. For example, “For 50$, you can get a whole set of skincare items that will make your face and body shine.” This sounds like something everyone dreams of!
If you have more benefits to describe, don’t be shy to do that. If your clients are interested in this offer, they will read the whole piece. If they are not – they won’t go further than a headline. To make your text easy to read and understand, use subheadings and lists.
Looking for an example of sales letter on the web, you might have noticed that they are all different and their length vary critically. Someone limits it to one page; someone writes ten pages. Everything depends on your offers and services. However, if you are not sure about the length, try not to make it more than three pages.
Prove that your items are great
Your customers want to know that they will like your items before they pay. To prove that satisfaction is something that is waiting for them, you might provide testimonials from past buyers. Also, you can offer a free trial or refund guarantee.
Call to action
The primary purpose of your letter is to encourage your customers to act. Each sales letter sample has a call-to-action sentence in the end. Welcome him/her to visit your store, buy an item right now, or give you a call. Also, to make your persuasion sound stronger, you may add concrete facts that will motivate your readers to act. For example, this might be a date when your offer ends.
Additional motivational text
Okay, you have already asked your reader to call you or place his/her order right now. What more can you say? Probably, at this moment, he/she is overthinking your offer, and this is the best time to make a final boost. Remind your customers about freebies or additional bonuses they will receive. Write that the amount of items is limited. Say that the discount is for a particular period only.
So, how to write a sales letter that really strikes? In general, there are no strict regulations, but you should stick to particular points. They will make your piece more effective. First of all, remember that you never actually sell items – you sale desires and problem-solving things. Keep that in mind any time you write a marketing text. People are not really interested in objects. They want to be successful, beautiful, happy, healthy, etc. Think about how your product can provide them with something they really want.
Make sure that you prove your goods to be high-quality by adding some comments from previous purchasers. Also, don’t forget to remind your clients about the special offers: discounts, freebies, additional services. Highlight that these things are limited in time and/or quantity, and they will press the “buy” button more eagerly. That’s it! After writing a couple of sales letters, you will grasp the principle and learn how to write them correctly. Follow these tips and good luck!